Wednesday, June 20, 2007

one pro and one D-1.........but they're NOT predictions.

It's usually at this time of year that most people start spouting off their predictions. I've never been one to jump right in to claiming what team will do what, because for the most part I've come to the conclusion in recent years that predictions are inherently stupid. They're based on flawed logic and there's too many mitigating factors that contribute to a teams success or lack there of.

That being said, I'll give you two teams, one college and one pro, who I FEEL will do extremely well this upcoming season.


Reasons: Loved their free agent pickups this season, most notably Patrick Kerney. I've always felt Kerney never got his due in terms of being mentioned with some of the elite pass rushers in the league. His prescence will most certainly help Julian Peterson continue his reemergence in Seattle's 4-3. Loved the Deon Grant signing as well. For a secondary that was in desperate need of some veteran leadership, they couldn't have found a better guy for the job than Grant on the FA market. Deion Branch has to be considered their first round pick and after him I liked (not loved) Seattle's draft. Needless to say though, it's hard to argue how good this offense can be when healthy and Hasselbeck is arguably the best quarterback in the conference after Brees. Branch is also too much of a gamer to not start clicking with Hasselbeck, and I have to believe he's going to bounce back to his full potential. Bottom line is he's a flat out better player than Darrell Jackson who flourished at times in Holmgren's offense, and there's no excuse as to why Branch can't.

On top of that, great coach, invaluable home field advantage, and they're coming off of a season where they were PLAGUED with injuries. Meaning that they're unlikely to suffer that sort of bad luck again.

If I'm a betting man, I'm putting Seattle back in the Super Bowl barring serious injury and I think it'll happen quite easily.


It's a product of the team losing only one signifigant player (Thomas) and the rest of the conference getting signifigantly weaker. Ohio State is in a transition year and Michigan lost practically that entire defense. Henne, Hart, and Manningham are great but that team isn't nearly as complete as it was last year and I still am not a Carr fan.

Don't forget that WU's only loss last year came to Michigan as well and this year they'll have them at home. PJ Hill is a Heisman contender from the start and Travis Beckum might be the best Tight End in the nation. Him and Hill are definitely enough to keep the offense going with Tyler Donovan running the show.

Big fan of their defense too. Jack Ikegwuono is probably the best defensive back in the Big 10 and Al Langford helps compliment him on the other side. Can't deny that the Badgers have a top notch secondary.

I love WU for the Big Ten and won't be surprised at all if they make a push for the National Championship.


Jetfan16 said...

Solid Website Mate!

The Queen said...

i agree about seattle. however, if they were in the afc, no way in hell they even SNIFF the playoffs. ok, maybe they're an afc wildcard team.